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Tuesday, March 27

Foodie Food Food

I adore Pinterest. It's not really organized properly, but for what content you can find on there, it's worth it. I love looking at the DIY/Craft section. I've found so many cute ideas for the home.  Got a cleaning wipe container and all those plastic grocery bags?  Well you can roll the bags in a way where you can pull them out continuously when you need them. It's amazing.

Many people use the site for new recipes. What person isn't looking for something great for dinner?  With the economy the way it is, so many people are moving away from eating out and moving towards cooking at home. I have found a few great recipes I cannot wait to try.  Key lime cupcakes with blackberry filling and blackberry frosting, yup.  Ok, so that's a link to a blog, but I found the blog via Pinterest.

This evening I was scouring the posts for a really great dinner idea. Someone had posted a recipe for bruschetta chicken.  I was thinking of something I could eat as a side and thought of making a pasta salad (spaghetti salad - family recipe).  I couldn't find the Sun-dried tomato dressing at Harris Teeter, so it was a good thing I looked at other bruschetta chicken recipes on the site.  When i saw one as a pasta dish, I had to look at the recipe.  After looking at three different ones, I finally decided to use them as a basis for my own recipe due to the heaviness in those recipes.  This is what I came up with.

  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 2 tbsp minced garlic
  • 1 jar Harris Teeter bruschetta topping 
    • fresh from deli or homemade can be used I just opted for super easy route and what I found
  • 1 box dry linguini
  • 2% milk shredded mozzarella
  • balsamic vinegar
Saute chicken breasts in olive oil and minced garlic, salt and pepper to taste. While chicken is cooking, prepare pasta as box says. Once chicken is cooked on both sides remove and let set.  In same pan, add jar of bruschetta topping to pan to warm. Pasta should be done at this time. Strain in colander and rinse well with hot water.  Slice chicken and place on top of warming bruschetta topping.  Sprinkle with mozzarella and cover so cheese will melt.  Let warm over low heat until cheese is firmly melted.  In individual bowls place serving of pasta and splash with balsamic vinegar before topping with chicken bruschetta mix. Enjoy!

It was really good and I'm already thinking of different ways to make this.  Like adding fresh spinach to the topping to wilt. Crab meat or lobster in place of chicken. Marinading the chicken in a balsamic vinaigrette for 30 minutes. Fresh veggies like asparagus or zucchini or making my own bruschetta topping.  The original was really light and easy to make.  

Peace & Love.

Tuesday, December 20

Guys I Would Love To Find Under My Tree

A few days ago there was a post on HelloGiggles about well, guys the author wouldn't mind finding under her tree.  The author, Heather, wrote to Santa about 10 guys who are pretty yummy.

If I could get Santa to place a handsome guy under my tree, then I would be a pretty happy girl. I don't have any gifts wrapped under my tree at all, so a guy may scare the bejesus out of me.  But he would have to wrapped, and what guy would allow himself to be wrapped in pretty wrapping paper and placed on cold linoleum?  And an unconscious guy who was drugged or bludgeoned and probably bleeding isn't something I really wanna find in my kitchen.  (My tree is setup in my kitchen because that's where I had the most room and best windows.)

Don't get me wrong - Santa if you are reading this - I would still like a cute guy as a gift, just don't put him under my tree.  Maybe slip him my address, have him bring coffee and a cranberry-orange scone to me one morning. It maybe a hard feat, but come on Santa, you can work some miracles.  While I know it's far fetched to believe one of the guys I would accept with no argument would just show up on my doorstep, I'm gonna throw it out there.

Ryan Gosling

It is no secret I find him attractive beyond normal standards.  He's handsome as all get out, a fantastic actor, can play piano and guitar, oh and he has abs that you could do laundry on.  I could just image him making coffee every morning, serving it to me in bed, then grabbing the guitar we keep beside the bed to serenade the dogs (his and mine) and me. Oh, he likes magic.  He goes to this restaurant in LA called the Magic Castle, a members only restaurant.  It sounds like an awesome date night. Are you listening Ryan, I would enjoy this place more than any other girl!

Jason Segel

Like the above guy, Jason can play the piano and even composes songs.  He's handsome and wonderfully hilarious. Every night I watch How I Met Your Mother and swoon.  Yeah, he's that good at his job.  If you've seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall, well then you've seen him naked and that's not a bad site.  Full frontal and I was impressed.  Although, I'm not sure he has much of a tushy, but I can deal with that.  Oh, and he not only starred in Sarah Marshall and The Muppets, HE WROTE THEM!  The music in the movies...yeah he had a hand in composing the songs.  And rewind on that one, he BROUGHT BACK THE MUPPETS!  I grew up watching the Muppet movies and The Muppet Babies.  One drawback may be that he has a puppet room at home.  I'm ok with this, except the door would need to be locked at night and have those motion sensor security lights that also come on when power goes out.  I'm not going to get scared one night when he's off shooting HIMYM or his next film and there is a storm causing a tree to scratch on the windows.  Yeah, I've thought about this in great detail.  I truly think he's one of those perfect guys. He's Marshall Eriksen for goodness sakes.  I can name a few other reasons.  He cried when he met Kermit.  He's been 6'4" since he was twelve.  He's a good Jewish boy.  On Thanksgiving he tweeted a pic of himself and his little sister.  And he tweets about his favorite food items (kinda won me over with his top five sandwiches).  Despite being tall, he's afraid of heights;  both of which I suffer from also.  Lastly, he and I could procreate our own basketball team!

Jorma Taccone

Not only is he one third of the awesomely cool rap trio The Lonely Island, but he writes for a load of NBC shows.  He wrote, directed, and starred in an episode of Up All Night with Maya Rudolph and Christina Applegate, not to mention all his SNL appearances.  Jorma is a very small fellow, so it's slightly weird that I find him so attractive. But he's just so darn cute and funny I can't help myself.  And while I'm at it, just throw in that equally adorable friend Andy Samberg while you're at it.

John Cusack

Ok, so he's forty-six, but he's John-freaking-Cusack!  He's just...yeah, I've been in love with him since I first watched Say Anything as a preteen.

Young Kevin Costner

Honestly, any Kevin Costner. First actor love. He was Robin Hood and in about 8 baseball movies - ok that may be an exaggeration. 

Finn Hud - I mean - Cory Monteith

Tall, Canadian, and loves hockey. Enough for me, but add in that he can sing and play the drums, sold.

Timmy Tebow

Not because he looks like that or is a sensation this year.  I've adored Tim since he first started for the Gators.  And when you learn of what an amazing person he is, it trumps all other things.  He's a good Christian boy who's family raised him going on yearly mission trips in the Philippines and he still makes time to give back.  I am a Tebow fan for more than just the arm.  Ok, well the arms are very, very nice.  And those thighs and butt.  Gotta move on...

I'm really finding it hard to make it to ten guys.  I have some Honorable Mentions though:  

Ben Affleck - I can't take him from his lady. They are just too cute and she's a fellow West Virginia girl.
Mat Kearney - That voice, those eyes, yeah.
Timmy Thomas - He's a beast on the ice.

Edit - Forgot about one Honorable Mention.  Prince Harry - He's just so handsome. He could be my Prince Charming.